Join us next Tuesday for our final band concert of the year! We'd love to play some beautiful music for you!
Mark your calendars now: on May 7th, WGS will BLAST OFF to OUTER SPACE!
Have you ordered YOUR copy yet? Get your yearbook ordered today! Use the link or e-mail
Come join our teaching team!! For more information contact Mr. Risch
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Application -
This student is nominated for the Door of Distinction for her consistent hard work in the classroom! She has worked very hard to improve her skills in the classroom, and all of her hard work is paying off. In addition to working so hard in the classroom, she is a great friend and always willing to help out wherever needed. We are so proud of all of the progress she has made and will continue to make. Keep up the hard work, Khloe!
Happy Administrative Professionals Week to Ms. Dawn! We appreciate all that you do for us day in and day out.
This student is nominated for the Door of Distinction because of his positive attitude. He never complains about being given additional work to do and always has a great attitude. He is also very helpful around the classroom, whether it's helping his peers with work they might be struggling with or helping the teacher with whatever may be needed. His positive attitude is contagious! keep up the hard work, Masyn!
This student is being recognized on the Door of Distinction for how hard he has been working to improve on the goals he wrote at conference time. Not only that, but he has always been wonderful at contributing to class discussions in an objective way. He knows just when to add his special insight and raises his hand to the perfect time. He loves to learn, and this spark lights the fire in some of his classmates, too! Continue growing towards your goals, Jase!
WGS Bullpups recognized for demonstrating PAWSitive character traits last week: Paxson M., Josie, Emmarie, Briar, William M., Boyd, Dakota, Milly, Carson B., Paige, Avalyn, Chesney, Dex, Kacey, Michelle, Zayden, Lily, Brody, Messiah, and Waylan. Great job, Bullpups! #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog
It was a great day at ESU for the Waverly JH Band! We came home with nine I ratings and two II ratings, in addition to having the most respectful and responsible students in the building! #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog
Waverly High School FBLA enjoyed an incredible day in Wamego on their annual small business tour. Students were introduced to Grant Meinhardt, owner of KanEquip; Sarah McVay, owner of Flinthills Fitness; Allison Karnowski, Supply Chain Manager at Caterpillar; and Phil and Peggy Stultz, owners of the Kreme Kup. Each business owner/professional shared their professional journey and answered questions from the FBLA students. The students enjoyed a delicious meal at the Kreme Kup before leaving Wamego.#itsagreatdaytobeabulldog!
WGS Bullpups recognized for demonstrating PAWSitive character traits last week: Paxson M., Kai, Elizabeth, Weston, Rhett, Levi, Samuel C., Emersyn, Declan, Paizlee, Alexie, Otis, Layla, Carter H., Archie, Brayden, Emma, Kinley, Emerson, and Amber. Great job, Bullpups! #itsagreatdaytobeabulldog
The Jr High Track meet at Burlingame that is scheduled for tomorrow, 4/18, has been rescheduled to Monday April 22nd. Start time is 10:00 am.
We will be having a clinic on May 7th during the school day for 5th - 11th graders, with the help of the Waverly Medical Clinic. Physical forms will be available after May 1st. Physicals will be $25.
Join us in celebrating our 8th graders as they are promoted to high school.
Need all your spring music and band event dates in one handy location? Look no further!
ESU Nursing Camp 2024
Good morning Bulldogs! The Waverly-hosted Gene Farrow track meet is tomorrow in Iola. The meet is scheduled to start at 10:30am. All eligible 7th and 8th grade track athletes will be going to help with events/concessions. They will be transported to the meet and back via bus, which will leave at 8:15am. Lunch will be provided. Return time will depend on the weather. Please contact Coach Piper with any questions.
Waverly High School Awards Night is Thursday, April 18th at 6:00 pm. (THIS IS A CHANGE FROM THE ORIGINAL DATE!) Pulled pork and drinks will be provided. Freshmen and Sophomore families need to please provide a side dish. Junior and Senior families need to please provide a dessert. Come out for a great meal and enjoy a night celebrating our students' accomplishments.
*Time change for JH Track*.
All remaining JH Track Meets will start at 10:00 am