Tristen Patterson threw 134 ft in Jav.
almost 7 years ago, Nick Fraenza
Dalton Kistner competed in the 1600 Preparing for the 3200
almost 7 years ago, Nick Fraenza
Here in Wichita. Kaylynn Vogts placed 5th in the 1600 w/ a PR of 6:09.33
almost 7 years ago, Nick Fraenza
Dedication to completion of homework and feeding yourself!
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman
Fruity Pepples
Mrs. Wildeman after being rescued from the wall!
almost 7 years ago, Libby Self
Zakia and Christian are ready to perform at Regional Solo contest in Independence!
almost 7 years ago, Nancy Riecker
Summer Driver Ed Info can be found on the District Web Page in the menu.
almost 7 years ago, Doug Piper
WolfDogs enjoying spring for the next few hours!
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman
WolfDogs enjoying spring for the next few hours!
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman
DATE CHANGE! The HS Track meet scheduled for Friday has been moved to Thursday April 5th@Lyndon.
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman
If you have not turned in a summer baseball/softball form, please call or text Travis Sipe tonight at 6203646819.
almost 7 years ago, Doug Piper
CORRECTION: Birth-5 year old screenings-Mon. April 23@Lebo Elementary;Contact Rachel Barraza @ for appointments
almost 7 years ago, Libby Self
Birth-5 year old screenings-4/24@Lebo Elementary;Contact Rachel for appointments
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman
PK Screen
The High School track meet at Central Heights has been postponed. No reschedule date at this time.
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman
Waverly 3-0n-3 Spring League will be postponed until Saturday, April 7 due to community Easter Egg Hunt. Thank you for your understanding!
almost 7 years ago, Doug Piper
Waverly Elementary Kindergarten Round-up will be Friday, April 13, 2018 starting at 9:00 a.m. For more information, please call Dawn at 785-733-2551.
almost 7 years ago, Libby Self
Waverly Elementary Kindergarten Round-up
Baseball/Softball at Erie today has been postponed due to wet fields. No reschedule date yet.
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman
Easter Egg Hunt March 31, 2018 10 a.m.
almost 7 years ago, Libby Self
Good luck to all of our athletes playing baseball, softball, and track at their first competitions this week!
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman
almost 7 years ago, Susan Wildeman