LADY WOLFDOGS GET IT DONE! Pratt Kansas here we come!
over 6 years ago, Susan Wildeman
WolfFog Softball To STATE with a 5-3 win over Valley Falls!!!!
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
WolfDogs score 2 on Olivia Mitchell’s home run to lead 5-3 with a half inning to play!
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
Valley Fall scores 3 in bottom of 6th. 3-3 goining into the 7th. WolfDog Softball
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
WolfDogs lead Valley Falls 3-0 after 5 innings
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
Waverly Elementary School End of School Awards Assembly- Tomorrow, Thursday, May 17th at 10 a.m.
over 6 years ago, Libby Self
Awards Assembly
After 4 innings WolfDog softball leads Valley Falls 2-0
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
WolfDog Softball leads 2-0 after 3 vs Valley Falls
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
0-0 after 2 WolfDog Softball
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
WolfDog Softball 0-0 after One vs ValleyFalls
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
Wolfdogs Update SB/BB: Baseball advances to play Wabunsee 5/16 in Alma @3:30. SB beat Lyndon 9-8 to move onto the finals v Valley Falls. Game 5/16 in Burlingame @5pm. GO WOLFDOGS!
over 6 years ago, Susan Wildeman
PreK Promotion!
over 6 years ago, Susan Wildeman
PK Kids!
Fourth graders particpating in a virtual field trip, “Westward by Rail” today.
over 6 years ago, Amanda Marsh
WHS Grad Kendra Henry wins the American Athletic Conference heptatlon
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
Newly elected FBLA officers. The following students were inducted as 2018-2019 FBLA officers: Front Row: Logan Pyle, Treasurer; Macy Fairchild, Reporter. Back Row: Christian Decker, Secretary; Sara McWilliams, Parliamentarian; Lilly McWilliams, President; Kaylynn Vogts; Historian; Olivia Mitchell, Vice President; and Eric White, Competitive Events Coordinator.
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
Waverly Students FBLA officers
WolfDog softball ranked #2 in regionals get 1st round bye. Will play winner of Burlingame/Lyndon on Tue. May 15 @ 4:30
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
WolfDog baseball will play Burlingame in the opening round of the regional tournament Monday, May 14 @ 4:00 in Alma Complete Bracket
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
Driver's Ed parent meeting rescheduled for Friday, May 11 @ 6:30 in WHS commons. If you can't make it, please contact Doug Piper.
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
WHS Business Essentials class field trip to ESU
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
Classroom with Instructor and students
WHS Freshman Business Field Trip to ESU
over 6 years ago, Doug Piper
Waverly High Freshman students poising for a photo at Emporia State University