
The new school year is upon us and it's time to think about enrollment. Here are some helpful hints to help ensure enrollment goes smoothly for all our families. 

1. New Students: you will start your enrollment process through https://ecollect.accelaschool.... once you complete this process the school will approve the student. You will then receive an email with the link to finish your enrollment. 

2. Returning Students: you will enroll by logging into your PowerSchool parent portal. https://usd243.powerschool.com...  You will click on the forms tab and complete your enrollment. Please make sure you fill out ALL enrollment forms. 

3. Free & Reduced meals:  free & reduced meal applications are available during the online enrollment process.  Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified whether or not your family qualifies. 

4. Food Service Meal Fees: The state will not be providing free meals to all students this year. Food service fees need to be paid in advance for your student to eat.  Your child's food service balance can be obtained by logging into PowerSchool. 

5. Fee payments: textbook fees, band fees, and food service fees can be paid by cash or check at the HS office.  We do offer an online payment option to pay all fees. You can access the online payment portal at https://payments.efundsforscho...

6. Athletic forms: physicals and all forms need to be completed and returned to the HS office by the first day of practice on August 15th. This includes the concussion course done online at https://nfhslearn.com/courses/...  If your child's physical, athletic forms, and concussion course (print out the certificate) are not done and turned into the HS office by the first day of practice your athlete will not be allowed to practice until it is completed and turned in.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

Let's have a great school year!

Once a Wolf, Always a Wolf!


Textbook Fees:

Pre-K (non-Sped) $30

K-12 $60

Instrument Rental $50

Food Service:


Pre-K - 12 $1.70

Adult $2.50


K-5 $2.35

6-12 $2.40

Adult $4.35

Extra Milk:   $.40

    Reduced Breakfast $.30, Reduced Lunch $.40

(To qualify for free/reduced meals you will need to fill out the proper form which is available during the online enrollment process.)

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer & Lender