Miss Kansas Annika Wooton visited with the Lebo High students on choices that can affect the rest of your life, mainly Distracted Driving! In addition to her Distracted Driving presentation, she displayed her Miss Kansas talents, painting and singing! Annika dazzled the LHS students with her upside-down 6-minute painting of the Lebo Wolf and her vocal talent!
On June 8th, 2019, Annika Wooton, of Overland Park, Kansas, graduate of the University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Arts in Illustration, was crowned Miss Kansas 2019. Because of Covid, her term was extended until this May.
As Miss Kansas, Annika will make over 400 appearances during her year-of-service, many of them in Kansas schools making motivational presentations to students. Annika’s social impact initiative “The Transformative Power of the Arts” places “art” in a different perspective. Every single piece of technology, clothing, architecture, and advertisement that exists, once went through the hands of an artist or a creative thinker.