Arrival & Dismissal
Elementary School PK-5
- Doors open at 7:30AM
Students riding the bus will enter the building through the West doors (as normal).
Students who do not ride the bus (parent drop-off or walkers) will enter the building through the following designated doors:
PK- Elementary East Front Entrance- should be accompanied by an adult to the door
Grades K-5- Northwest Doors
Students who arrive AFTER 7:55AM must enter through the Elementary Front Entrance.
Parent Drop-Off (7:30AM-7:55AM)
Preschool families will continue to use the assigned parking located on the east side of the building.
The North Elementary doors located on 5th Street are designated as morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up doors for all K-5 students who do NOT ride the bus.
Grades K-5 Northwest doors
Appropriate signs, barricades, and pavement markings will be used to help ensure safety.
Dropping-Off Your Child
Students should remain in their vehicle until they are greeted by a staff member and have completed the health screening & temperature check.
Students with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, will be asked to remain in the vehicle and will not be able to attend school that day.
Students with two or more additional symptoms will be asked to remain in the vehicle and will not be able to attend school that day.
Students under 100.4 and not exhibiting additional symptoms will be able to exit the vehicle and escorted to the entrance.
Please familiarize yourself with the following procedures for dropping-off your child:
NO PARKING along the south side of 5th street.
DO NOT allow your student to exit the vehicle before being greeted by a staff member.
Enter: vehicles dropping-off and/or picking-up students should only enter 5th street from the East. Driving West to East along 5th street.
Drive slow
Check surroundings when pulling-up to the building and pulling-away from the building.
Exit: vehicles should continue driving East and exit 5th street via Ogden
Parent Drop-Off (after 7:55AM)
Students arriving to school AFTER 7:55AM, must enter through the Elementary Front Office.
The student MUST be escorted to the front door by parent/guardian.
If applicable, please maintain social distancing between other families.
Parents/Guardians should remain with their child until they are greeted by a staff member and have completed the health screening & temperature check.
Students with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, will not be able to attend school that day.
Students with two or more symptoms will not be able to attend school that day.
Students under 100.4 and not exhibiting additional symptoms will be able to enter.
School Dismissal (Bus Riders, Parent Pick-Up, Walkers, After School Program)
To help enforce social
distancing, school dismissal will be staggered.3:10 All K-5 students who ride the bus will be dismissed to load the buses.
Students will be escorted to the buses by a staff member.
3:15 All K-5 students who are picked-up or walkers will be escorted to designated doors located on the North side of the building.
Grades K-2 Northeast doors
Grades 3-5 Northwest doors
Students waiting for parent pick-up or the After School Program will be supervised by a staff member.
Students who walk home will be released to do so after exiting the building.
Parent Pick-Up
Parking is available on 5th Street (north side of the building), along with additional parking on Ogden and Pine.
Students will be dismissed to go with parents or guardians.
In the interest of efficiency, safety and traffic flow, please do not linger during pick up and be sure to maintain social distancing
- After School Program
- Students enrolled in the after school program will be escorted to their designated locations.
Jr/Sr High School 6-12
Student Arrival
- Doors open at 7:30AM
There will be multiple points of entry to help with congestion in the schools
Points of entry are will be:
High School Office door (south Sid of school: All breakfast-eaters
Bus Entry door (west side of school): Bus riders and drivers
Flag Pole doors (South Side of school): walkers and drop-off
middle and high school students (not eating breakfast)
- Entry points will be manned until 7:55. Students who arrive After 7:55 must enter through the High School Office.
- Once students enter the building all non-breakfast eaters will proceed to the big gym,
- ‘Morning Seats’ - will be assigned seats within each grade band (stable group). Students will sit in this seat every morning between 7:30 and 8:00. Every student will be assigned a seat.
- High School
- Nonathletes = dismissed in groups and will exit the building out of the flagpole doors.
- Bus riders will go to the bus doors.
- Athletes: volleyball, cross country, and football players will be dismissed in groups when coaches are ready for their release.
- Junior High
- Football (Mackunas) - Leave at 2:20 and will be dismissed from school out the bus/driver door.
- Volleyball (Peek and Sullivan) - 2:20 and will be dismissed to the gym for practice.
- P.E. and Cross Country (Hadley) - Report to assigned ‘morning seat’ in the gym and then released to go to the locker room.
For more information regarding important changes for the 20-21 school year, please refer to your building re-opening plan. Which, can be found on the school website.