Lebo Elementary School
Grades PreK-5
Reopening Guide
Table of Contents
Creating a Safe and Welcoming Environment 4
Employee and Student Health Screenings 4
Parent Drop-Off (7:30AM-7:50AM) 4
Parent Drop-Off (after 7:50AM) 5
School Dismissal (Bus Riders, Parent Pick-Up, Walkers, After School Program) 5
Student Sign In/Sign Out (for appointments or other personal reasons) 6
Classroom Expectations and Procedures 6
Remote Learning (Option by Parent) 9
Description of Levels & Chart 11
Lebo Elementary School Safety Measures 19
USD #243 takes very seriously the responsibility to keep students, staff and families safe and to provide the best possible education for our children. This reopening plan provides expectations, procedures, and best practices to ensure a safe and successful school year. Until further notice: Items in this plan shall be considered USD #243 policy and shall override or add to similar existing policies (Board Policy and Student Handbooks), where applicable.
We appreciate your cooperation in these times in dealing with this pandemic. It is our hope that we will be back to a normal school year as soon as possible.
USD #243 is following guidance from the Kansas State Department of Education, the Kansas State Health Department, Coffey County Health Department as well as guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Kansas COVID Workgroup for Kids. Links to each agency’s guidance can be found here.
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Health
Coffey County Department of Health
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Kansas COVID Workgroup for Kids
For the first day of school we plan on having the following health and safety measures in place.
All staff will have temperature taken and screened for symptoms
Masks will be worn by all staff
All students will have temperature screenings before entering the building
Building entrance points will be modified to minimize contact between students
Masks for all students, includes preschool (medical exclusions apply; Physician note required)
A quarantine room in each building for any student who is ill but is awaiting transportation home
Increased spacing in classrooms, including individual student desks 6 feet apart, when at all possible
Modified scheduling, to minimize movement in hallways
Ensuring constant air flow and ventilation (outside air is used), using our HVAC fans and/or windows (where possible).
Rotating lunch schedules and/or food delivery to alternate locations (may include classrooms)
Limiting people into the building
Students socially distanced on the buses
Buses will be disinfected after each use
Daily use of foggers for disinfectant and antimicrobial applications to disinfect after school
Enhanced cleaning: disinfecting surfaces many times a day
Scheduled hand-washing and use of hand sanitizer
Reviewing facility-use agreements to limit use by outside groups
Reporting of any suspected COVID-related illness to county health departments, parents, and staff.
Creating a Safe and Welcoming Environment
Our #1 priority at Lebo Elementary School is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for our staff and students. As a staff, we will strive to build positive relationships and connections with our students and families. We will continue to provide high quality instruction to meet the needs of your child to ensure they are successful. Several changes have been made and more changes will likely be made as we receive guidance from KSDE, local health department, and USD243 Administration. We appreciate your support and understanding during these unprecedented times. Together, we remain Lebo strong!
Employee and Student Health Screenings
Employee and student temperature screenings will be conducted 2X a day.
AM screening will be conducted prior to entering the building at designated entrances.
PM screenings will be conducted in the classrooms.
Staff Arrival
Elementary Custodial staff will report at 7:00AM to ensure all safety measures are in place before student and staff arrival.
Assigned classified staff will report at designated entrances to begin employee and student health screenings at 7:30AM.
Student Arrival
Doors open at 7:30AM
All elementary students will report to the small gym upon arrival.
Students riding the bus will enter the building through the West doors (as normal).
Students who do not ride the bus (parent drop-off or walkers) will enter the building through the following designated doors:
PK- Elementary East Front Entrance- should be accompanied by an adult to the door
Grades K-5- Northwest Doors
Students who arrive AFTER 7:50AM must enter through the Elementary Front Entrance.
Parent Drop-Off (7:30AM-7:50AM)
Preschool families will continue to use the assigned parking located on the east side of the building.
The North Elementary doors located on 5th Street are designated as morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up doors for all K-5 students who do NOT ride the bus.
Grades K-5 Northwest doors
Appropriate signs, barricades, and pavement markings will be used to help ensure safety.
Dropping-Off Your Child
Students should remain in their vehicle until they are greeted by a staff member and have completed the health screening & temperature check.
Students with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, will be asked to remain in the vehicle and will not be able to attend school that day.
Students with two or more additional symptoms will be asked to remain in the vehicle and will not be able to attend school that day.
Students under 100.4 and not exhibiting additional symptoms will be able to exit the vehicle and escorted to the entrance.
Please familiarize yourself with the following procedures for dropping-off your child:
NO PARKING along the south side of 5th street.
DO NOT allow your student to exit the vehicle before being greeted by a staff member.
Enter: vehicles dropping-off and/or picking-up students should only enter 5th street from the East. Driving East to West along 5th street.
Drive slow
Check surroundings when pulling-up to the building and pulling-away from the building.
Exit: vehicles should continue driving East and exit 5th street via Ogden
Parent Drop-Off (after 7:50AM)
Students arriving to school AFTER 7:50AM, must enter through the Elementary Front Office.
The student MUST be escorted to the front door by parent/guardian.
If applicable, please maintain social distancing between other families.
Parents/Guardians should remain with their child until they are greeted by a staff member and have completed the health screening & temperature check.
Students with a temperature of 100.4 or higher, will not be able to attend school that day.
Students with two or more symptoms will not be able to attend school that day.
Students under 100.4 and not exhibiting additional symptoms will be able to enter.
School Dismissal (Bus Riders, Parent Pick-Up, Walkers, After School Program)
To help enforce social distancing, school dismissal will be staggered.
3:10 All K-5 students who ride the bus will be dismissed to load the buses.
Students will be escorted to the buses by a staff member.
3:15 All K-5 students who are picked-up or walkers will be escorted to designated doors located on the North side of the building.
Grades K-2 Northeast doors
Grades 3-5 Northwest doors
Students waiting for parent pick-up or the After School Program will be supervised by a staff member.
Students who walk home will be released to do so after exiting the building.
Parent Pick-Up
Parking is available on 5th Street (north side of the building), along with additional parking on Ogden and Pine.
Students will be dismissed to go with parents or guardians.
In the interest of efficiency, safety and traffic flow, please do not linger during pick up and be sure to maintain social distancing
After School Program
Students enrolled in the after school program will be escorted to their designated locations.
Student Sign In/Sign Out (for appointments or other personal reasons)
Students who need to leave for any reason during the day, must exit and re-enter through the front Elementary Office Door.
We are asking parents/guardians to call prior to their arrival- this will give staff time to gather the student & the student’s belongings.
Upon arrival, a staff member will meet the parent/guardian at the front door.
Parents/guardians will be asked to complete the sign-in/sign-out sheet.
Students who eat breakfast will report to the cafeteria to eat.
When the students finish eating breakfast, they will report to the small gym.
Breakfast will be offered from 7:30AM to 7:550AM
Time has been allocated in between classes for appropriate sanitation of tables and seats.
Students will be required to wear masks while in line and after they are finished eating.
Once seated, students can remove their masks to eat. Lanyards are provided for each student to ensure safety measures.
All K-5 students will eat lunch in the small gym at staggered times.
10:50-11:10 K Kindergarten (12)
10:55-11:15 1st Grade- Kelley + Rosine (30
11:00-11:20 2nd Grade
11:20-11:40 3rd Grade
11:25-11:45 4th Grade
11:30-11:50 5th Grade
There will be NO microwaves available for student use.
Classroom Expectations and Procedures
Face Mask or Face Coverings
Face mask or face covering will be required in USD #243 student occupied PreK-12 attendance centers. This includes all students, faculty, staff, vendors, and other visitors.
Visitors 5 years of age and younger.
Students and/or staff with underlying health conditions that could interfere with their ability to learn or perform their duties as prescribed by their health care provider.
Students with special needs or disabilities as per the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Student Improvement Plan.
While eating breakfast or lunch.
While engaged in an activity during which it is unsafe or impossible or is prohibited by law to wear a mask or other face covering.
When students and/or staff are outside and can maintain social distancing of six (6) feet.
Note: This would include outside classroom settings (for example: outside physical education class, outside industrial arts projects, etc.
Face Shields or goggles can be worn for eye protection, as long as accompanied by a face mask.
Individuals who refuse or regularly disobey this policy could be subject to age appropriate disciplinary action according to the student handbook or board policy.
Physical Education
Students will not be required to wear masks during outdoor PE classes. Social distancing will be enforced.
Students will not be required to wear masks during outdoor recess. If a parent/guardian would like their child to wear a mask during outdoor recess, please contact your child’s teacher. Also, visit with your child about your decision and expectations. Thank you.
Social Distancing Considerations
Six (6) foot distancing or as reasonably close to six (6) foot distancing as possible should be maintained in student occupied classrooms.
Per the Governor’s Emergency Order, students are not required to be 6 ft apart, if they are wearing face masks. Lebo Elementary will apply the 6 foot social distancing rule, when possible. This may not be possible in all classrooms or settings.
Teachers may utilize outdoor spaces as classrooms, when applicable and weather permitting.
Age appropriate signage, wall and floor marking tape, cones, etc. have been purchased to help enforce social distancing throughout the school building.
Hygiene Measures
Upon entering a room (classroom, office, library, etc), all staff and students will use hand sanitizer.
Students will wash their hands during the day as directed by their teacher(s) and wash hands regularly (at least every hour). Hand washing may be alternated every other hour with hand sanitizer.
Everyone should cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and wash their hands as soon as possible after a cough or sneeze.
Hand signs or fist bumps should be substituted for hand shakes.
Sharing of student belongings and classroom materials should be avoided.
Age appropriate signs will be posted to help enforce safe hygienic practices.
Classroom Parties
Snacks must be store-bought or purchased from a bakery.
A staff member will hand out treats in the classroom wearing gloves.
Reminder: Parents will NOT be able to attend classroom parties.
Afternoon Student Health Screening
Touchless thermometers have been purchased for each classroom teacher.
Temperatures will be taken by a staff member after lunch, upon entering the classroom.
Student privacy will be maintained.
Additional screening measures will not be taken at the time, unless the student has a temperature of 100.4 or higher.
Water Bottles
For student safety, students will need to bring a water bottle.
Water Bottle filling stations have been placed throughout the school buildings, which are a more hygienic alternative to drinking fountains.
SPED and TITLE 1 Services
Students who qualify for Special Education Services and TITLE 1 will continue to receive support whether they are attending on-site or by remote-learning.
When possible, grade levels will not overlap and social distancing will be enforced.
Elementary Electives
Students attending Lebo Elementary School on-site or by remote-learning, will continue to receive the following electives:
Whole Group Counseling Lessons: Weekly
Library: Weekly
Technology Education: Weekly
Physical Education: Daily
Music: Daily
As directed by teacher(s), students will either attend these classes in an alternative setting or within the classroom.
Elective teachers will utilize outdoor spaces as classrooms, when applicable and weather permitting.
Designated restrooms by grade level.
PK, K, 1, 2 grade will access the Office restrooms.
3, 4, 5 grade will access the Small Gym restrooms.
Limit 2-3 students per restroom at one time (exceptions may apply).
Students will be required to use hand sanitizer BEFORE using the restroom and wash their hands AFTER using the restroom.
Age appropriate signs will be posted to help enforce safe hygienic practices, such as hand washing and use of hand sanitizer.
Restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized frequently.
Mask Breaks
Designated “Mask Free Zones” will be located and marked outside in the school yard.
To comply with the Governor’s Emergency Order, these zones will be, at minimum, 6 feet apart.
These zones will allow students the opportunity to take a mask break while enjoying the fresh air during a teacher(s) directed trip outside.
PK is scheduled for an AM recess/mask break.
K-5 is scheduled for an AM and PM recess/mask break.
Teachers are encouraged to provide instruction outdoors, when appropriate and weather permitting. If 6-foot social distance is maintained, masks are not required during these times.
Visitors will have limited access to school buildings.
If allowed into the school building, visitors will:
Enter through the Elementary East Front Entrance.
Complete a Visitor Health Screening and be asked a series of questions (See Appendix).
Are required to wear a face mask or face covering.
Visitors will not be allowed to eat breakfast or lunch with students (until such time as restrictions are lifted and/or the community moves into low or no spread).
Remote Learning (Option by Parent)
Students and parents will have the option of choosing a remote learning option. Parents may contact their child(ren)’s building principal to set up a consultation about the Remote Learning Option. Building principals will be available starting August 3, 2020.
This option requires regular online attendance and documentation of schoolwork as assigned by the teacher(s).
Parents must keep a log of hours the student worked on lessons or logged on to Google classroom, Google meetings, or other forms of remote learning as described in the Instructional Section of the USD #243 Reopening Plan.
See Remote Log Requirements on the Remote Learning Section of the USD #243 Re- Opening Plan.
Note: Lack of participation and/or attendance in remote learning platforms could result in truancy being submitted to law enforcement.
Those students who choose the Remote Learning Option will be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities during the 2020-2021 school year or time in the Remote Learning environment.
Those students who choose the Remote Learning Option will not be allowed to go back and forth between Remote Learning and Traditional Learning (In-Class).
Some activities may require the family to provide specific materials for their child.
For additional information or questions regarding USD243 schools, please refer to the USD242 Lebo/Waverly PreK-12 Reopening Guide 2020-2021, which can be found on the USD243 School’s Website https://www.usd243ks.org/o/leb...
Description of Levels & Chart
The determination of operational levels will be decided with input from the county health department and district administration.
GREEN: Low threat. A very low number of cases requiring hospitalizations or death in Coffey County/Lebo/Waverly and surrounding counties/areas. No restrictions in place from state or county. This may be commonly described as “the new normal.” Social distancing and good hygiene will be a daily practice.
Health prevention measures in place.
Daily cleaning, especially in common areas.
Limited visitor access.
Monitoring the virus in the community via the local health department.
YELLOW: Moderate threat. Case numbers are rising, and the state or county has imposed some gmrestrictions on group sizes. School is able to continue, but gathering sizes may be limited in some manner.
Person(s) who came in close contact with the individual gowith a confirmed case of COVID- 19 will be contacted and advised to follow KDHE health guidelines. Contact the local health department or provider.
Affected area is closed for deep cleaning.
Self-health monitoring, prevention information and stay home if ill communication to all individuals at the facility.
A short-term closure (2-5 days) of a specific area (including playgrounds, gym, or athletic field or facility may be necessary.
ORANGE: High Threat. A large number of or rapidly escalating number of cases in District or surrounding counties. State or county has imposed restrictions such that building occupancy or class sizes must be reduced. This may include an active case diagnosed with possible exposure to contagion within the school.
Entire facility and activities will be closed for a minimum of two days.
All students and staff in the affected facility move to hybrid learning model.
Those in close contact of the confirmed COVID-19 positive will be asked to follow KDHE guidelines or as directed by the local health department.
RED: Very High Threat. A continued increase in the number of cases in District or surrounding counties. State or county has imposed more strict restrictions that limit building occupancy or class sizes to a number even more reduced than at Orange. This may include an active case diagnosed with possible exposure to contagion within the school. State or county has imposed restrictions that prohibit face-to-face contact with students.
All facilities district-wide close.
Students and staff move to a remote learning model.
Extracurricular activities are cancelled.
Disinfection of all facilities and school buses.
All auxiliary areas such as playgrounds and athletic fields closed.
According to the Center for Disease Control, the more people a student or staff member interacts with, and the longer that interaction, the higher the risk of COVID-19 spread. The risk of COVID-19 spread increases in school settings as follows:
Lowest Risk: Students and teachers engaged in classes, activities and events. All students, staff and school visitors wearing masks.
More Risk: Small, in-person classes, activities, and events, groups of students stay together and with the same teacher throughout/across school days, and groups do not mix. Students remain at least 6 feet apart and do not share objects (e.g., hybrid remote and in-person class structures or staggered/rotated scheduling to accommodate smaller class sizes). Limited or no mask wearing.
Highest Risk: Full-sized, in-person classes, activities, and events, especially where students are not spaced apart, share classroom materials or supplies, and mix between classes and activities. No masks used. Risk increases whenever students can’t be kept 6 feet apart. Singing, talking loudly, or exercising all increase respiration and production of large droplets that can transmit the virus more easily.
When determining if you have been exposed based on being in “close contact” with a person who tests positive, these criteria need to be applied for the 48 hours prior to the onset of symptoms of the person who has reported the positive test.
Close Contact is defined by the Coffey County Health Department as being within 6 feet for a prolonged period (10 minutes or longer) or having direct contact with infectious secretions.
GREEN LEVEL (onsite) | YELLOW LEVEL (onsite) | ORANGE LEVEL (hybrid) | RED LEVEL (off campus) | |
Arrival of Students | -Doors will open at 7:30AM -Health Screenings and temperature checks will be completed prior to entering the building. -All elementary students will report to the small gym upon arrival. -Bus Riders will enter through the West entrance. -Students who do NOT ride the bus will enter through the following assigned doors: -All PK students will enter through the East Elementary Front Entrance. PK students can be accompanied by an adult. -All K-5 students will enter through the Northwest doors. | -Doors to the building open at 7:45AM -Health Screenings and temperature checks will be completed prior to entering the building. -All elementary students will report to their classrooms upon arrival. -Bus Riders will enter through the West entrance. -Students who do NOT ride the bus will enter through the following assigned doors: -All PK students will enter through the East Elementary Front Entrance. PK students can be accompanied by an adult. -All K-2 students will enter through the Northeast doors. -All 3-5 students will enter through the Northwest doors. | -Doors to the building open at 7:45AM -Health Screenings and temperature checks will be completed prior to entering the building. -All elementary students will report to their classrooms upon arrival. -Bus Riders will enter through the West entrance. -Students who do NOT ride the bus will enter through the following assigned doors: -All PK students will enter through the East Elementary Front Entrance. PK students can be accompanied by an adult. -All K-2 students will enter through the Northeast doors. -All 3-5 students will enter through the Northwest doors. | - Students are not arriving at school. |
Breakfast | -Students who eat breakfast will report to the cafeteria to eat. -When the students finish eating breakfast, they will report to the small gym. -Students will wash hands or use hand sanitizer BEFORE and AFTER eating breakfast. -Masks are not required while the students are eating breakfast. | -Breakfast will be served in a “Grab-n-Go” style. -Breakfast will be offered to all students upon entering the classroom. -Normal meal fees apply. -Students will wash hands or use hand sanitizer BEFORE and AFTER eating breakfast. -Masks are not required while the student is eating breakfast, but will observe the 6 foot social distancing rule. | -Breakfast will be served in a “Grab-n-Go” style. -Breakfast will be offered to all students upon entering the classroom. -Normal meal fees apply. -Students will wash hands or use hand sanitizer BEFORE and AFTER eating breakfast. -Masks are not required while the student is eating breakfast, but will observe the 6 foot social distancing rule. -Refer to Remote Learning Handbook for meal plans. | -Refer to Remote Learning Handbook for meal plans. |
Delivery of Instruction and Electives | - Normal instructional delivery and class schedules followed with modifications as needed. - Desks/workstations will be arranged in the same direction to avoid students facing each other unless using physical barriers. | - Students who are identified as a “close contact” will be in “self-quarantine” and attend classes remotely. - Some classes like band, choir, PE, etc. may have to be altered b/c of size or location and/or have the nature of their activities modified. - 4th and 5th grade classes will go to a confined classroom. -Class transitions will be limited. - Desks/workstations will be arranged in the same direction to avoid students facing each other unless using physical barriers. | - Instruction becomes a blended model of face-to-face and online and/or supply packets. - Priority for face-to-face instruction may be given to self-contained (or high need) special education students, and students academically at-risk. | - 100% of instruction is delivered in a remote or packet format. - Google Classroom, Google Meet and/or online textbook resources (when available) are used. |
Physical Barriers | - Use of masks by all persons is required in or on USD 243 property. This includes lobbies, hallways, restrooms, gymnasiums and break rooms. - Required use of masks outdoors when 6-foot social distance cannot be maintained. - Plastic barriers installed in high incident areas. (offices, lunch etc) | - Use of masks by all persons is required in or on USD 243 property. This includes lobbies, hallways, restrooms, gymnasiums and break rooms. - Required use of masks outdoors when 6-foot social distance cannot be maintained. - Plastic barriers installed in high incident areas. (offices, lunch etc) | - Use of masks by all persons is required in or on USD 243 property. This includes lobbies, hallways, restrooms, gymnasiums and break rooms. - Plastic barriers installed in high incident areas. (offices, lunch etc) | |
Student and Staff Attendance | - 72 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicines AND an additional 7 days have passed since their first symptoms before coming to school or work. (min. 10 days) -A student with a doctor’s note and/or negative test result can resume school before the 10 days - Temperature and symptom checks of all staff and students. | - 72 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicines AND an additional 7 days have passed since their first symptoms before coming to school or work. (min. 10 days) -A student with a doctor’s note and/or negative test result can resume school before the 10 days - Temperature and symptom checks of all staff and students. | - 72 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medicines AND an additional 7 days have passed since their first symptoms before coming to school or work. (min. 10 days) -A student with a doctor’s note and/or negative test result can resume school before the 10 days - Temperature and symptom checks of all staff and students. | - Temperature and symptom checks of anyone entering the building. |
Sanitation and Cleaning Protocols | - Frequent cleaning of bathrooms and wiping down high-touch surfaces (desks, knobs, handles, copier keypad, bathroom, toilet handles, break room counters, desks, and tabletops). - Foggers used within classrooms and other areas at the end of each day. - Teach hand washing and hygiene. - Hand sanitizer in all rooms used frequently. - Hand sanitizer in hallways and lunchrooms checked frequently. - Daily cleaning based on pre-COVID-19 norms in addition to the other cleaning protocols. | - Frequent cleaning of bathrooms and wiping down high-touch surfaces (desks, knobs, handles, copier keypad, bathrooms, break room counters, desks, and tabletops). - Foggers used within classrooms and other areas. - Cleaning of desks between students when classes change (older students can clean their own) or every hour in the classroom for younger students. - Cleaning of frequently used equipment between each class period. | - Frequent cleaning of bathrooms and wiping down high-touch surfaces (desks, knobs, handles, copier keypad, bathrooms, break room counters, desks, and tabletops). - Foggers used within classrooms and other areas. - Cleaning of desks between students when classes change (older students can clean their own) or every hour in the classroom for younger students. - Cleaning of frequently used equipment between each use. | - Frequent cleaning of bathrooms and wiping down high-touch surfaces (desks, knobs, handles, copier keypad, bathrooms, break room counters, desks, and tabletops). - Foggers used within classrooms and other areas. - Cleaning of desks and other equipment following any onsite meetings that take place. - All staff who come onsite need to record their presence on the form posted on each door. |
Equipment and Supply Sharing | - Supplies, manipulatives, etc. are cleaned at the end of each use. -Students will wash hands or use sanitizer before and after working with manipulatives. | - No shared supplies, manipulatives, markers, calculators, etc. - Students should not be sent to the board to work unless 6’ distancing and each student has their own marker. (no sharing of markers) | - No shared supplies, manipulatives, markers, calculators, etc. -Students will not be sent to the board to work. | |
Food Service | - No self-serve lines. - Food is served and eaten in the cafeteria/gymnasium. - Create as much seating distance as possible. -Eating outside may also be used. | - No self-serve lines. - Food is served and eaten in the cafeteria/gymnasium. - Create as much seating distance as possible. -Eating outside may also be used. | - Meals delivered to and eaten in the classroom. | - Grab and Go meal service IF allowed by USDA, but foodservice operations will cease if recommended by County Health Dept and/or USD #243 administration. |
Dismissal | - Staggered dismissal times and procedures will be used to emphasize social distancing and efficiency. -Teachers and staff will walk students to their designated exits. -In the interest of efficiency, safety and traffic flow, please do not linger during parent pick-up and be sure to maintain social distancing. | - Staggered dismissal times and procedures will be used to emphasize social distancing and efficiency. -Teachers and staff will walk students to their designated exits. -Times may vary. TBD -In the interest of efficiency, safety and traffic flow, please do not linger during parent pick-up and be sure to maintain social distancing. | - Staggered dismissal times and procedures will be used to emphasize social distancing and efficiency. -Teachers and staff will walk students to their designated exits. -Times may vary. TBD -In the interest of efficiency, safety and traffic flow, please do not linger during parent pick-up and be sure to maintain social distancing. | NA |
Bus Transportation | - All drivers and passengers will wear masks. - Students will have assigned seats, by family. -Social distancing will be enforced when possible. - Hand sanitizer on the bus. - Buses will be sanitized between routes. | - Bus routes continue as allowed by County Health Dept and/or USD #243 administration. - All drivers will wear masks. - It is requested (by the bus company) that all students wear masks on the bus. - Students will have assigned seats, by family. - Hand sanitizer on the bus. - Buses will be sanitized between routes. - Route times may be adjusted or a spare bus used to pick up as needed. | - Transportation adjustments will be made based on how school operations are scheduled. - Bus routes continue as allowed by County Health Dept and/or USD #243 administration. - All drivers will wear masks. - It is requested (by the bus company) that all students wear masks on the bus. - Students will have assigned seats, by family. - Hand sanitizer on the bus. - Buses will be sanitized between routes. - Route times may be adjusted or a spare bus used to pick up as needed. | - All transportation will cea se. |
Field Trips and Travel | - Staff Professional Travel and Student Field Trips are not encouraged. - Staff and Students visiting identified Covid-19 hotspots, based on KDHE guidelines, are encouraged to self-quarantine. | - Staff Professional Travel and Student field trips are suspended. - Staff and Students visiting identified Covid-19 hotspots, based on KDHE guidelines, are encouraged to self-quarantine. | - Staff Professional Travel out-of-district is suspended. - Staff and Students visiting identified Covid-19 hotspots, based on KDHE guidelines, are encouraged to self-quarantine. | - All transportation and staff travel out-of-district is suspended. |
Extra-Curricular,Activities, Programs, Adult Meetings | -Meetings and programs limited per county restrictions and/or USD #243 administration. - Sports and clubs follow KSHSAA guidelines and county and/or USD #243 administration restrictions. | -Meetings and programs limited per county restrictions and/or USD #243 administration. - Sports and clubs follow KSHSAA guidelines and county and/or USD #243 administration restrictions. | -Meetings are held online. -All programs may be postponed or canceled based on guidance from state and/or USD #243 administration. | -Meetings are held online. - All programs are postponed or canceled. |
Access to and Use of Buildings | -All visitors must call ahead and complete a screening and temperature check. -Visitors to buildings are prohibited, excluding school related business. -No public use of the buildings. | -Visitors to buildings are prohibited, including guest speakers. -No public use of buildings. | -Visitors to and public use of buildings prohibited. -Staff access to buildings or areas will be controlled/scheduled. | -Visitors to and public use of buildings prohibited. -Staff access to buildings will be determined by USD #243 administration. |
Lebo Elementary School Safety Measures
In an effort to be as transparent as possible as we prepare to open schools, the administration team would like to share with you some of the purchases made and modifications that we are making to our school day. It is our hope that this document will help you make an informed decision on whether or not to participate in on-site learning or remote learning.
The following items have been purchased to help ensure the safety of all students and staff during on-site learning at Lebo Elementary School.
We have upgraded our ventilation systems in all classrooms to HEPA filtration. Staff will be instructed to turn the fan on the air handler on to ensure continuous filtration throughout the room.
For rooms that do not have central heat or air USD #243 has purchased HEPA stand alone air filtration units.
We have installed hand sanitizers in every room.
Purchased handheld contactless thermometers in order to complete employee and staff health screenings.
Additional tables have been purchased in order to maintain social distancing while at breakfast and/or lunch.
We have purchased and installed water bottle filling stations in all buildings.
Extending hours of custodians that were only part time to full to help with increased cleaning duties.
Classroom disinfection machines for the custodians.
Hallway floor markings and cones to ensure social distancing throughout the building.
Lanyards for each student to allow masks to be easily removed, but also follow safety guidelines for handling masks.
Individual clear plastic barriers for student desks.
Individual baskets for students’ personal belongings.
Mobile Hot Carts for student lunches to ensure lunch meals are safely delivered to alternative settings (i.e. gyms, classrooms, etc.)
The following safety measures have also been taken to help ensure the safety of all students and staff during on-site learning at Lebo Elementary School:
All non-essential furniture has been removed from classrooms to increase space for social distancing.
All classroom furniture with fabric and other hard-to-clean coverings (i.e. rugs, padded chairs, pillows, etc. ) has been removed from classrooms.
Students will be placed in seating arrangements that allow all students to face one direction in the classroom.
When appropriate, students will participate in outdoor learning activities.
We are currently working with teachers on scheduling transitions to minimize contact between non-grade level students.
Age-appropriate signage placed throughout the school building, including visual guides for proper handwashing and social distancing.
Staff and students will practice proper hygiene practices, such as handwashing, using hand sanitizer and social distancing techniques, including alternatives to handshakes.
Employee and student health screening 2x a day.
Students will keep all personal belongings with them at their assigned seat.
“Mask Free Zones” have been created outdoors to provide students opportunities to remove masks, while maintaining social distancing.
Sanitation Checklists and cleaning schedules have been created for the classrooms, restrooms, and gym.
Library staff has been trained on proper handling of books.
Every Coffey County Library card holder has access to free touchless materials through Hoopla and Libby apps.
These apps will be installed onto all school computers.
The book drop (designated receptacle at school library) will be open and available to students and teachers.
Each teacher will also have a designated receptacle for returns in their classrooms.
Gloves will be used when handling returned materials.
All returns (housed in a separate designated quarantine area) will be held for 72 hours before handling and returning to circulation. Materials will only be checked in once per day.
After emptying returns or materials, hands will be properly washed following protocol.
Tables, counters, and door handles will be cleaned periodically throughout the day.
High touch surfaces will be cleaned between stable group rotations.
Computer keyboards will be covered and swapped out after each use.