USD 243 Lebo-Waverly
Thank you to everyone for your patience as we deal with our building closure. This has been a difficult situation for everyone involved in education. There is no place we would rather be than in our buildings with our students.
The USD 243 Administrative team met today to begin working on our Continuous Learning Plan. Several things came from this video meeting:
There will be NO face-to-face contact between staff and students!
Starting Monday, the following teams will meet to continue developing the District CLP:
Daycare - 2nd Grades
3rd - 5th Grades
6th - 8th Grades
9th - 11th Grades
12th Graders
Each team will consist of a district administrator and all teachers in the listed grade levels
We are planning on providing educational services starting Monday March 30th.
We will be meeting with our teachers in small groups on Monday to discuss what this plan will look like. You can expect further updates next week.
We have had some questions pertaining to personal items left at school. We will be putting together a plan to be able to get these items back to students as quickly as possible. More information will be available next week.
More information regarding the Continuous Learning Plan will be announced as soon as possible. Once again, thank you for your patience in these difficult times.
If you have questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact your building administrator! We are all in this together!