COFFEY COUNTY AREA NETWORK (CoffeyCAN) Serving Coffey County since 1994...
The following Wireless Hot Spot locations are either “Active” or “Pending Installation” as provided by the partnership between the Coffey County Commission and the CoffeyCAN Fiber Optic Board of Control. These spots are either school specific or public access as noted with each location. Coffey County spots include:
✓ Lebo south and east of schools and VoAg Parking (School WiFi Only)
✓ Lebo Library parking lot (Public WiFi Only)
✓ Lebo Park north and east of Elementary School (Public WiFi Only) PENDING
✓ Waverly High School east of building (School WiFi Only)
✓ Waverly Public Library parking lot (Public WiFiOnly)
✓ Waverly City Park (Public WiFi Only) PENDING
✓ County Joint Services Building on corner of Hwy 75 and Old 50. (Publc WiFi Only) PENDING
✓ New Strawn Library east side (Public WiFi)
✓ Burlington High School entire west parking lot (School & Public WiFi)
✓ Burlington Recreation Center diagonal driveway (School & Public WiFi)
✓ Burlington Public Library East Side (Public WiFi)
✓ Burlington Elementary Playground/Parking east of building (School & Public WiFi)
✓ Burlington Outdoor Swimming Pool south side (Public WiFi)
✓ Burlington Kelley Park (Public WiFi)
✓ Jacobs Creek Fire State (Public WiFi) PENDING
✓ LeRoy High School Gym (School & Public WiFi)
✓ LeRoy Football Field (Public WiFi)
✓ LeRoy Library parking area (Public WiFi)
✓ LeRoy City Park and Community Building (Public WiFi)
✓ Gridley Library parking area (Public WiFi)
✓ Gridley City Park and Community Building (Public WiFi) - PENDING
Updated: April 10, 2020